Monday, June 24, 2019

Jake played in his first championship game. Sadly they lost in the last inning, but it was a great experience for sure.

Cole's graduation from Kindergarten. He went through the ceremony next to his pal Ben.

Here's a link to Cole's big performance:

Mill Valley Middle School Carnival!
The boys with putters in their hands for the first time.  They both chose lefty.
Jake keeping Cole company while he's in bed not feeling well.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Jake has earned his Tiger badge!

The family unit had a great trip down to LA to celebrate Grandma and Grandpa's 80th birthdays. Lots of time with lots of cousins!
This is a perfect representation of Cole's daycare.
Jake's teacher appreciation card had equations for Ms B to do.

A fun Ring Mountain hike took everything Cole had in him.

Jake at his first competitive soccer try outs. He made the team! Cole kept himself busy in the stands.

Jake having lots of good birthday celebrations with family.