Thursday, March 29, 2018

Cole and Daddy taking selfies.

Fun little overnight trip to Marshall with Daddy, the boys, Dave and Ingrid.

The boys having fun in their track suits.

Super fun day at Muir Beach with the Schneiders.

The boys wearing their robes on a walk to Pete's to get muffins.

Jake hung notes on his door that says "now stop" "please don't enter my room" "unless I tell you you can come in"
The boys ready for action.

Monday, March 5, 2018

The family unit on a hike to the top of Ring Mountain where we had lunch and enjoyed the view.
The boys got their first real baseball gloves today. Here they are oiled up and wrapped with a ball in the pocket.
The boys helping to get the garden ready for the Spring.

The boys having fun on the slide together.

Mommy and Daddy were in Jake's classroom for their Valentines Day party.
Jake having fun on whatever this thing is.
Jake finally conquered the monkey bars.

Back to Muir Beach. So much digging to do.

Cole and Daddy went to Terrapin Crossroads for dinner while Mommy and Jake were at a birthday party. Cole got to hang out with his pal Ruby and eat a piece of pizza that was "bigger than his face."

The Tchabovsky and Peters boys/men had a great trip out to Marshall. Lots of kayaking and crab hunting. And when the tide got super low Jake took his boot and socks off and walked way out into the mud flats.