Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The boys got to play with some puppies at a friend's birthday party.  It took Cole a little while to warm up to the little guys, but finally got in there to hang out.

Jake came with Daddy to get some new tires on the family truckster.  While we were at Cains he got to check out the bins where they keep all the stuff they pulled out of people's tires.

Hanging out with Dede after she made a big dinner for the family unit.

Daddy and Cole on another hike up Horse Hill.  Much warmer this time.

Cole and Jake hanging out with Elaine and Ingrid in their backyard and in our backyard.

Jake is now tall enough to open the pool gate on his own, which he is only allowed to do if he asks Mommy or Daddy.

The boys getting wet on a warm Spring day.

Here is Cole playing at the playground but so tired that he just had to lay down a nap for a minute.

The boys getting hair cuts at a new place.  They loved it.

Cole and Daddy taking a post rain hike up on Horse Hill.

The boys had some good hang out time with their cousins Brooke and Zoe and Whitney's Tante Lena.

Monday, April 3, 2017

The boys at soccer practice with neighborhood pals.  Jake and Elaine are in the same class and so are Cole and Ingrid.

Friday night neighborhood dinner in Cooper and Kylie's drive way with a special appearance by Grandma Kathy!

Grandpa Bob and Grandma Kathy making a visit to hang with the family unit.

Jake making a tower of cups and cards.

Jake having a good time at the bread party his daycare class put on.

The boys were excited to get the 2017 garden up and running.