Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Over the weekend, Jake developed a special bond with AnnMarie.  Come Sunday, he would barely leave her side.  He was reeeeeeeally bummed after she left.

When Cole went down for a nap, Jake and the cousins made Easter cookies.  Jake was in heaven.

Pool time!

The boys had so much fun hanging out with their cousins.

The Easter bunny came to the house early in the morning and dropped off baskets for the boys.  They had a great time opening up their treats and having breakfast with everyone.

Lunch at In N Out!!!

Monday, April 11, 2016

The boys found lots of eggs.  You'll see Cole hunting for eggs and then Jake and Grandpa Bob finding eggs a little ways away.  Such a great neighborhood tradition.

The boys shed their jackets and they're ready to get some eggs!

On the Saturday before Easter each year, our neighborhood has a fun Easter hunt for the kids.  This was the first that Jake and Cole took part in.  They loved it!  Here they are with Grandpa Bob and Grandma Kathy some of the other kids that showed up early.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Jake and Grandpa Bob having some late night crazy eights games.  For the record, Jake won the first game they every played together.

Cole making a nest in the playroom with his animals and the blanket that Daddy used when he was a little guy.

Cole with his classmates at the sensory bin.

The boys had an extra special treat last trash day when a bus got stuck behind the trash truck in front of our house.  Lots of big vehicles!!