Monday, October 12, 2015

The boys were keeping their eye on a neighborhood cat cruising through the back yard.

Cole working on his chainsaw skills.

Jake and his Godfather Andrew (Emmet and Nicolai's dad) both wore blue collared shirts and both got yellow frosting all over them.  Jake thought it was hilarious.

The boys having a piece of cupcake cake at Emmet's birthday party.  Jake took his down, but Cole gave up quickly after a few bites of the frosting.

The boys having a visit from their Aunt Lena and cousin Brooke.  Mimi and Papa brought them over for dinner while they were in town.

Cole having a great time eating his cupcake.

The boys having a little birthday pool party for Nicolai on a Saturday afternoon.  Nolan, Griffin, Cooper and Kylie came too!

Cole sitting on the booster seat, eating a snack and working on his camera smile.

A few pictures from daycare.  The first two are Jake's little All About Me flag along side his classmates' on the wall out front of his room.  And the bottom picture is of a photo hanging on the wall outside of Cole's room.  It's of the boys sitting together at "circle time" at daycare, when all the kids gather.  Too cute!

On a hot Summer afternoon, the boys had a great time hanging out with their neighbor pals.  Cole was working hard on the grill while Jake, Cooper and Kylie were, at this point in the night, wearing dresses and running around the backyard.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Cole looooves to play with the computer.

Cole drying off after a dip in the pool.

The boys having some fun with Cooper, Kylie, Elaine and Ingrid.  Jake, Kylie and Elaine will be in the same class together.  So will Ingrid and Cole.

Cole helping clean the floors.

Jake wearing his Dodgers windbreaker (and still working on his smile for the camera).