Thursday, August 28, 2014

Jake and Mommy having breakfast in the family room.

Cole and Mommy look on as Jake eats dinner on his new big boy eating spot at the table.

Jake helping Mommy give Cole a bath.

The boys having some fun in Cole's crib.

Birthday cake!!!

Big boy Jake sitting at the picnic table having pizza with all of the older kids.

Jake was working on his tackling.

Jake had a lot of fun going up and down the big slide. 

Jake went to the 5 year old birthday party for Declan Lonergan.  Jake had a great time hanging with the kids a couple years older than he.

Here is Cole eating puffs for the first time.  Something crunchy he has to chew.  He did a great job.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Jake had fun talking with Abby, blowing up balloons with Kieren and fishing with a shirtless Mikey.

The family unit went to Chrissy Field to have a picnic with some other family friends.

Mommy swinging the boys at the park.

Jake having fun on playing with pens, pencils and blue painters tape on the kitchen floor.

Sometimes when we're walking into day care in the morning, Jake walks along side of Cole like the Secret Service protecting the President.

This could be just before bed or just waking up in the morning.  Not really sure which one this is.

Jake and Mommy having dinner together at the coffee table.  Jake has pretty much moved on from sitting in his high chair.  That's Cole's territory now.

Jake wanted to do 3 things: take off his pajama pants, put on his rain boots and play with the coolers.

Cole is 7 months!

Jake and Daddy hanging out at the park playing with toys, having snacks and taking selfies.

Jake patiently waiting for his turn on the swings at the haunted park.
Jake and Emmet just hanging out in a net chair.